August ended up being another month of chaos as I had various hand / wrist problems – which some still persist, but are manageable – but I’m feeling pretty confident for September. The Colleen x Alex comic is just about done, and will be posted soon, which leaves only the 3 next pages of EotP to do and some other commissions! I feeling like I’m finally catching up.

That said, I may have to severly limit comic-type commissions as I’m just not good at juggling and completing multiple ‘large projects’ like that in a decent enough amount of time. I don’t like making people wait for things when the ball is in my court. It’s taken long enough to get EotP done as it is.

Unrelated to any of that, I think I’m firm in my belief that Krita is not a very good drawing app and other options should be considered instead. It’s sad but there’s just too many little things that Krita does or doesn’t do that make it far more frustrating to use than it should be. I’d like to try Paint Tool Sai next, since that seems to be another fairly popular drawing app for people. For now though, I’ll be sticking to the iPad, using Art Studio Pro. Timelapses from ASP should be cleaner as well.